September 2022
September has been a very busy month in the Junior and Senior Infant classroom. A special welcome to our fantastic Junior Infants who have settled very well into school life over the past month.
Our theme for the month of September was ‘School’. We did lots of work on school vocabulary and we even had the opportunity to engage in school life with our role play station at playtime by acting out the different roles of people in school. We learned the rhymes Mary had a Little Lamb and the Incy Wincy Spider.
We were busy developing our fine motor skills. We are using lots of different resources to develop our fine motor skills, such as using playdough, puzzles and threading. Senior Infants were busy revising their sounds and letter formations. We read lots of stories and we were busy developing our listening skills. We were also developing our phonological awareness with auditory discrimination tasks and rhyming activities.
For maths, Senior Infants were revising topics from last year, while Junior Infants were busy learning about colours, matching and classifying objects.
The Infants are busy using their Irish words in class. We were learning how to say hello and what our name is. We also learned lots of new vocabulary in our topic of ‘seomra ranga’.
Throughout the month we were practising our drawing and painting skills. We created some scribble monsters, incy wincy spiders, and drew our own dragons inspired by the book ‘Zog’ by Julia Donaldson.
October will be another busy month in the Infant class. We are looking forward to learning about our new topic ‘Autumn’.