February 2023

February 2023

We began February with St.Brigid’s Day celebrations in 1st and 2nd Class. The children learned all about St.Brigid and the story and they created a cross with wool. This was a new skill for the class but their perseverance and effort was rewarded as they got to bring home their woven crosses.

Our theme for the month of February is Spring. We began exploring this theme by learning about different signs of Spring we can spot in the environment around us. We found out that plants grow in Spring in Science. As a class we planted potatoes and strawberry plants which will be moved outside in a few weeks. The children are very excited to watch them grow and maybe even have a taste!

February has been a busy month for P.E. in Gusserane N.S.. 1st and 2nd class have started dance lessons with Anne Marie Cooney and are learning to dance to ‘Green Green Grass’ by George Ezra.

We also finished up our yoga lessons with Amanda and bid her a sad farewell at the end of the month. For our last day we practiced more partner poses as well as some breathwork with cotton wool balls which was lots of fun. They’ve learned some valuable skills and techniques over the last six weeks and have really enjoyed yoga!

In art this month we researched the pop artist James Rizzi and looked at the different types of art he produced. His art inspired us to create ‘lovebirds’ for Valentine’s Day. 1st and 2nd class used paint to blend a beautiful cool blue sky and then used paint and oil pastel to create lovebirds using warm colours. The contrast between the cool and warm colours was fantastic!

Pancake Tuesday was one of the most highly anticipated days of the year in our classroom. The children had the chance to decorate their pancakes with Nutella, lemon and sugar or marshmallows. They all left school with smiles on their faces and tummies full of pancakes.

We found out why Pancake Tuesday is celebrated, and the kids did very well on our quiz! With Lent fast approaching, the children thought about what they might give up, or take up for their Lenten promises. Many things were suggested such as giving up sweets, chocolate, fizzy drinks and TV, as well as taking up making beds, helping with housework or practising some soccer skills. I can’t wait to see how everyone will get on in the next few weeks!