February 2023
The Junior and Senior Infants started off the month of February with a new topic. We explored the topic of ‘Fairy Tales’. During our play time, we used puppets to act out a puppet show. The children were also busy selling puppet show tickets and food at our concessions stand! We used construction materials to build puppet theatres, which included our blocks, straws and cardboard and we created some of our own puppets during our art and craft station during playtime.
For English during February, Junior Infants were learning lots of new sounds and learning to blend sounds together to make words. We are spending lots of time on our handwriting and learning to form our letters correctly. Senior Infants are learning new sounds too and we were reading our fiction and non-fiction books ‘Tom on the Team’ and ‘Sports’.
For Maths this month we did lots of work on ordinal numbers. The Junior Infants were learning to partition sets of objects to prepare them for addition. The Senior Infants were learning about numbers that are more than or bigger than other numbers.
We loved our Yoga sessions with Amanda from Yama Kids Yoga each Wednesday. We learned lots of new poses and breathing techniques in our lessons. We said a big thank you to Amanda for coming out to us each week. We’re sure we’ll see her back in Gusserane again soon!
For February and March, we are focusing on the dance strand of the PE curriculum. We were delighted to welcome Anne Marie Cooney back once again to do dance lessons with us. The children are already doing a super job on their new dance routines and we look forward to the rest of our lessons during March!
For Art we were exploring the clay strand of the curriculum. The children learned to roll and pinch clay. We made some lovely pinch pots which will be made into Spring nests. We began painting our pinch pots and they will be ready to take home very soon!
We were delighted to welcome Ms. Kelly to our classroom at the end of February. Ms. Kelly will be doing lots of work with Infants over the next while and everyone is looking forward to learning all about the topic of Spring with Ms. Kelly over the coming weeks!