March 2023
March was a very busy month in 3rd and 4th class. The month began with World Book Day. To mark the occasion we discussed our favourite books authors and designed a book cover for our favourite book. We attended a live webinar which was facilitated by Caroline Busher, a local children’s author. As well as this we dresses up as a word from the dictionary and the whole school took part in a vocabulary parade.
Then came one of our favourite weeks of the year, Engineers Week. Each day we had a question of the day based on engineering. We tried STEM challenges throughout the week including building a device to pick up a ping pong ball as well as building the tallest tower out of paper. Our favourite part of Engineers Week was working with the junior and senior infants for STEM stations. We helped the infants build marshmallow and toothpick towers, work with the BeeBots, test the strength of spaghetti, construct paper rockets and build the tallest tower. At the end of the week we brought our Engineers Week Design and Make Projects to school. Our class had to design and make a car that would move. We loved testing our projects on the court and looking at the designs our friends came up with.
During March we continued dance lessons with Anne Marie. We are learning a dance to the song “Sunroof” by Nicky Youre. We are really getting the hang of the different moves and love playing musical statues at the end of each session. We were also lucky to have Niall Maher visit us and introduce us to handball. We all went up to the alley and practiced serving and returning the handball.
For Seachtain na Gaeilge we all tried to use cúpla focail during the school day and not just during Irish lessons. Our class joined up with 5th and 6th class and we had a ceilí. We learned how to dance the Walls of Limerick. We found it tricky at first but after a while we really got the hang of it. We ended Seachtain na Gaeilge with our Lá Glas, where we all wore some green clothes to school.
March ended with a very special occasion, our first VIP Day and the Great Irish Bake. We all baked some delicious treats at home and brought them to school. We brought in a donation and all money raised was donated to children’s health charities in Ireland. All the treats were brought over the to the hall and then our VIPs arrived. We prepared some Limericks for our VIPs and read them out on the day. Our VIPs got to sample some of the yummy baked goods and enjoy a cup of tea. It was so lovely to have our VIPs in school for the day.