March 2023

March 2023


The Junior and Senior Infants had a busy month exploring the topics of St. Patrick’s Day and Easter in their classroom. We also welcomed five caterpillars into the room which will emerge as butterflies soon. Ms. Kelly will be keeping a close eye on them over the next while! The children can’t wait to see their transformation!

We explored the theme of St. Patrick’s Day and Easter through playtime. The children had lots of opportunities for some beautiful art and craft over the month of March. They completed St. Patrick’s Day rainbow twirlers, some lovely spring lambs and Easter chicks! We also completed our spring nests from clay. The children were also busy in their Easter shop during playtime. We were very excited to have lots of new Lego to play with during construction. The children were busy building a house for Brendan the bunny!

We were busy learning lots of new sounds and practicing our writing in Literacy. We also celebrated World Book Day at the start of March. We took part in a ‘Vocabulary Parade’, where we chose a word that we could dress up as from the dictionary. We also had the Book Fair in school before the Easter Holidays. We enjoyed browsing through all of the lovely books on offer.

For Maths, we had lots of topics to explore during March! We learned about 3-D shapes, capacity and we also learned about money. We were able to develop our knowledge of money through our Easter shop in playtime. We were delighted to have the 3rd and 4th class to help us with STEM stations during Engineers week. We also had a question of the day, with a prize for the winner each day!

We learned lots of new vocabulary in Irish. Our focus this month were the themes of ‘Lá Fhéile Pádraig’ and ‘An Cháisc’. We celebrated Seachtain na Gaeilge too and made an extra effort to use Irish in the classroom throughout the school day!

Our Dance lessons came to an end the week of the Easter Holidays. A huge thank you to Anne Marie Cooney for her fantastic dance lessons. The children had so much fun learning their dance routines over the past 6 weeks!


On the day of our Easter holidays we had a brilliant morning in Gusserane Hall at our VIP and Great Irish Bake Day. We welcomed lots of family members to Gusserane Hall to us to hear some songs and poems from children across the school as well as enjoying a cup of tea and some treats. We displayed our Art work on the wall of Gusserane Hall for our VIP! We were also very thankful for the Easter Eggs we received from the Parents Association and received some extra treats in class after completing our Easter Egg Hunt outside!