November 2023

November 2023

November was another action-packed month for the boys and girls in 3rd and 4th Class!

We were busy scientists this month as we celebrated Science Week. We completed some cool experiments on the court such as piercing pencils through a zip lock bag without spilling any water and making 3D structures from spaghetti and marshmallows.

We also investigated the different types of fingerprints and used Sellotape and markers to record our own prints. We were then able to distinguish the type of fingerprints that we each have. We learned that our fingerprints are so unique that even identical twins do not have the same fingerprints!

We continued our gymnastics lessons on Tuesdays in the hall and were perfecting our skills each week. We love starting our Tuesdays off with some exercise!

November brought one of the highlights of the year so far, when we performed in the National Opera House for Sing Out Loud. We had been busy practising throughout October and November and we all thoroughly enjoyed performing on stage on the night.

We started to read Charlotte’s Web in English towards the end of the month and are just being introduced to Charlotte. We are curious to see how Wilbur and Charlotte’s friendship develops throughout the book.

We are so excited for December and all of the joy that comes with An Nollaig ar scoil!