October 2022

October 2022

1st and 2nd class have had a very busy October learning all about the season of autumn and preparing for Hallowe’en.

In October, we were very lucky to have Ms. Bohanna working with 1st and 2nd class. The children have been working hard all month and really earned their midterm break!

In our maths lessons, one of our favourite topics was 2D shapes. The children completed a shape search in the junior yard and found lots of different examples of triangles, squares, rectangles, circles and ovals! We also created some very scary shape monsters out of the shapes we learnt about.

We continued to learn about the season of autumn and took part in a scavenger hunt, searching for different signs of the season in the local environment. Children found conkers, coloured leaves, acorns, bird’s nests and much more!

In music this month 1st and 2nd class were learning all about body percussion. The children discovered that they could make music without any instruments. In small groups, they created a body percussion song about a thunderstorm (we were learning about ‘an aimsir’ or ‘the weather’ in Irish) by clapping, stamping, tapping and using many more imaginative types of body percussion.

Our class were very excited for Halloween. We prepared by learning about the history of Halloween, taking part in a Halloween quiz with the Junior and Senior Infants and creating lots of spooky art, including masks, haunted houses, pumpkins and witch’s legs.

 The excitement on Friday morning was palpable as the boys and girls came in dressed up, with faces painted and masks in tow. We had a fantastic day with our Halloween disco, a class party and playing old fashioned games including bobbing for apples and ‘silín sa phliúir’ or ‘cherry in the flour’. Some were apprehensive at first, but everyone took part and had a great time!